増田 満
Mitsuru Masuda
I graduated the department of science of Tokyo Metropolitan University at 1980. After a few years working as high school physics teacher I reentered TMU for studying philosophy and got MA at 1992. Then I restarted life of high school teacher. Around 2000, I came across Ken Wilber’s book, Sex, Ecology, Spirituality. The thought of that book made strong impression on me. To know his thought more, I became a member of Samgraha Institute which studies Buddhism, therapeutic psychology etc. and the representative of the institute, Moriya Okano was the editor of the Japanese translated book of SES. Recently I have become to have rather critical thinking toward Wilber’s thought. That is the reason why I had been affected by the essays in Integral World and I myself have written some critical essays about Wilber’s thought for bulletins of Samgraha Institute. Now I already have retired teacher.